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Viking Costume Ideas At Halloween – Horns or No Horns, Are You Game To Dress As A Viking ?

So with Halloween a hop, skip and a jump away, many people will be scratching their heads looking for an original costume for the big party. Most people opt for the old standards, like the Witch, pirate, Dracula or ghoulish costumes, some prefer something different. One costume that ticks these boxes is the Viking costume. Listed below are a few Viking costumes ideas to help you get the right look in such a costume.

To be fair, viking costumes are not what everyone would consider wearing at Halloween. They have more interest in scary or funny costumes that will have the desired affect on people. That’s the gist of Halloween and most people like to be traditional. With this out of the way, you can have lots of fun with the viking theme.

Top of the list for most people when it comes to vikings is their head wear. You know what I mean, the round helmet with the pointy cow horns on each side. It’s in every old movie on the topic. Even Hagar the Horrible wears the iconic helmet – so it must be true, right ?

Well, research tends to believe that this was a fallacy and not how genuine vikings dressed. They just wore plain old helmets. Maybe some jazzed them up with ornate patterning, and maybe one of two bright sparks stuck some horns on them. But the overwhelming majority had plain helmets and didn’t see their identity defined by a unique looking helmet.

Indeed, most vikings probably had a similar dress sense and appearance as any marauding raider of the middle ages. They would wear some form of chain mail at times. They would wear arm and leg gauntlets for protection. They would carry a shield, sword and battle axe. On top of the chainmail they would wear some sort of tunic that may even have their colors on it. Given that the lived in cold climates some form of animal fur garment might be worn too. Their shields and tunics might have their coat of arms or some other iconography to distinguish them from others.

The horned helmet was probably an interpretation of viking times made by later generations, in particular the Victorian period, where there was a huge resurgence of interest in that time. And this stereotype has pretty much held sway to this day, so much so that no self respecting viking costume worth it’s salts will be without a cow horned helmet.

Viking costumes follow the basic idea laid out above. Costumes can be found for big and small, men and women, even children, in a variety of styles.

Check out some more ideas by clicking viking costume.


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